Thursday, March 14, 2013

45 Days

I have 45 days to get myself ready for my next big challenge: The Country Music Marathon. Nashville is one of my absolute favorite cities and I can't wait to head down there for a weekend of cowboy boots and honky tonks! There is just something about that city that gets your toes tapping and a smile on your face from the moment you touch down. I've run the Country Music Half Marathon twice and figured it was time to step it up.

It may sounds crazy to train for a marathon in 45 days but I promise I'm not totally nuts. I'm running a half marathon this weekend that I've trained for and feel I have a great base to start from. Plus this isn't my first rodeo. This will actually be my third marathon and quite honestly I'm in a better place now than I was 45 days before each of those.

This training cycle will be different for me though. I want to spend these 45 doing something I've never really done: embrace each workouts. Push through the hard parts and make it count. I generally just run for milage and rarely keep to plans calling for speed or hill works. So many runs have been spent wondering why I never get any faster but the truth of the matter is I've never put in the work.

Wish me luck this weekend as I take on the NYC Half and keep your fingers crossed that 45 days from now I'll be dancing across that finish line knowing I've earned it.

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